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New rules for low carbon heating in Scots homes
New rules are being introduced in Scotland to ensure that all the new homes that are built use renewable or low carbon heating. By doing this they are trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and plan on having this new system implanted by 2024. Low-carbon heating is often used to refer to systems that use heat pumps or other alternatives to gas boilers. This project will some what cost about 30 million european dollars but hopefully in the end it is worth it. 

I think this is a great idea and could potentially create a big change in the long run. If more arts of the world do this or something similar it could help to contribute in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Also though it will probably cost quite a bit causing a potential increase in the homes. 

What are your thoughts or concerns on this?
This is a great idea. I believe that this should be done all around the world, as more and more countries begin to make changes such as these, we may be able to change the path of our future and make a better future for future generations. I feel that a change just like this one, will make a huge difference even if it is one part of the world that if enforcing it. When one country makes a good decision regarding the earth, I think us as the human race should expect other countries to follow to make our world a better place.
The cost is quite a lot but the end goal is very important. Hopefully more countries employ this sort of ideas and initiative
I think that the benefit of this new system will outweigh the cost of it, which developers will hopefully realize. This is a huge step for our future in the right direction. New ideas like these could potentially save the planet and is a much healthier alternative for our earth.
Without a doubt, if we are looking into the long run, the up front cost of the renewable energy source in homes will be well worth the money and more importantly, save our environment. I believe that countries that are able to should follow in Scotland's foot steps. In addition, developed countries should take the lead and introduce laws that limit carbon emissions in everyday life.

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