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How do you reduce the environmental impact

Last year the London Marathon raised 81m for charity. Although, it’s been known that there has been a lot of plastic waste in the Marathon, because of the plastic water bottles that are disposed of by runners. Not only plastic bottles but also tons of carbon footprint that come from planes traveling from a different place to the Marathon. As well as the food that is wasted and gets left on streets by runners and spectators. Last year, Westminster City Council reported that after the Marathon, 5,200 kg of garbage and 3,500kg of recycling, as well as 47,000 plastic bottles were collected from streets. This does not only affect the environment, but also the human body itself. Plastic bottles are made out of chemicals that make it look hard and clear, also to have the capability to last in hot and cold temperatures. The chemical is endocrine disruptor which causes an effect on the human body. As a consequence, the plastic bottles have been proven to be hazardous to human health, such as causing cancer, obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure. Most of the time, plastic bottles end up floating in oceans, rivers as well as sidewalks. When plastic bottles end up floating in oceans, it starts killing animals and the chemicals that come out of the bottles destroys the ecosystem in an invisible way. Each bottle can take a lot of time to decompose, leaking dangerous and harmful chemicals that can impact the environment. This year the London Marathon is coming up with some ideas to try to reduce the waste of plastic water bottles. One of them that interests me is the idea of reducing the number of drink stations for runners from 26 to 19, which is actually a pretty good idea, and this can reduce the number of plastic bottles by 215,000. And for those who like to drink a lot of water, they can use bottle belts which are made out of plastic and this saves more plastic and protects the environment. So then the runners can carry 250ml bottles during their run. However, in order to confirm these two ideas, runners have must be told ahead of time so they can practice running with it. As one of the Marathon runners, Mike Robinson said that drinks stations are sensible. As he thinks that this is against the medical advice, but bringing that bottle belt idea into play could help, although it is too late, as runners need to be practicing with them a lot earlier, and the idea about bottle belt trial came a week ago. In addition, some runners agree to drink out of cup rather than plastic bottles. The reason is that paper cups contain the right amount of liquid the runners Harald Greve and Cindy Roy said. And sometimes the bottle may have more drink than you need, and you only want a little bit to avoid going to the bathroom and that way you can have more time to run at the same time you are limiting the waste of plastic bottles. Reducing the plastic bottles use, reusing them and recycling them does not only mean that you are protecting the environment, but it also means that you are also helping the running organization to save the money and spent it on other things. This doesn’t only apply to runners but also to us and to every individual, by recycling and reusing we are benefitting our selves and mostly the environment, by saving hundreds of dollars and using water fountains and reusable fountains. 
Seeing the extent that something as wholesome as a marathon can inflict such damage on the environment really goes to show how our way of life is really very unsustainable. Their are many ways to combat the waste produced such as endorsing and supplying biodegradable water bottles instead of the plaster water bottles as well as introducing fines for littering and have patrols to ensure that they were being upheld to name a few. The repercussions for the actions we take now will likely be felt by later generations and doing simply things like recycling your bottles and avoid littering can make a big difference.

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