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Carbon Engineering creates a bullet that absorbs co2 from the Air

A canadian company known as Carbon engineering is current working a chemical which aborbs the co2 in the air, and turns it into chalk like powder. Once this chalk is combined with hydrogen it create a liquid fuel that can be used in cars and trucks without any modifications. They plan to create a plant which perform, as data suggest the work of 40 million trees.
I personally think this company has lots of promise. This is really cool and if they are able to make it work, it would have many benefits for people all over the earth. One thing I find concerning is how the man in the video said how the earth hasn't got much time when dealing with the issue of climate change. The faster we can get everyone to believe that it is indeed a real issue, is the moment we can start making positive changes in this world. Although scientists have said we have 12 years to try and limit the damaging affects climate change has had on our environment. If nothing is done in the next 12 years, we will face the catastrophic consequences that come with a changing climate. My one question is, what can regular people at home do to help the issue, even if it is only by a little bit ?
After watching the video by BBC, I can most definitely agree that everything that this Carbon Engineering company has created sounds promising towards drastically getting rid CO2 from the atmosphere and turning it into carbonate. I also Agree that time plays a major factor in whether or not this company can create more of it's plants around the world before it's too late and we reach a point where there is no turning back. It has been made well aware that the number scientists gave until we reach a point where the damage we have done is irreversible is 12 years. It will be interesting to see in the near future where this company will be, in terms of number of plants across the world.
(04-22-2019, 04:04 PM)Sarah Zaffino Wrote: I personally think this company has lots of promise. This is really cool and if they are able to make it work, it would have many benefits for people all over the earth. One thing I find concerning is how the man in the video said how the earth hasn't got much time when dealing with the issue of climate change. The faster we can get everyone to believe that it is indeed a real issue, is the moment we can start making positive changes in this world. Although scientists have said we have 12 years to try and limit the damaging affects climate change has had on our environment. If nothing is done in the next 12 years, we will face the catastrophic consequences that come with a changing climate. My one question is, what can regular people at home do to help the issue, even if it is only by a little bit ?
I personally believe that the only thing regular people can do is buy us more time until these plants are properly established, we can do thing like simply not avoid extra cost and going with more environmentally friendly products, riding a bicycle or simply walking to rather than driving to close locations. However, the constant problem is how to get people to sacrifice thing like that and how to motivate others to help build a more healthy earth.
This seems like an amazing new fuel source, and also very similar to the fuel cells we learn about in chemistry, but I believe that more research should go into these sort of new fuel sources as without a full understanding of how and why they work the consequences could be catastrophic. But the idea that we are really closing in on such promising opportunities really does give you hope for a better future for the next generations. Also in good time seeing as nonrenewable sources of fuel are becoming more and more scarce and without a proper alternative the future does not look bright.

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