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Winter Is Shrinking?

This article talks about the effects of the temperature rises of the Earth, specifically climate change in California. It is stated that because of global temperature rises the amount of snow on the mountains in California is decreasing and their winter season is shrinking. This "shrinkage" of winter refers to the length of time the Californian mountains receive snow for which subsequently results in lesser amounts of snow. California utilizes the fresh water that comes off the mountains as the main source of their water supply and with the decreased amount of snow, they are not receiving the amount of fresh water they were, for example, ten years ago. Another issue that this poses is the amount of precipitation California receives per year. It is no secret that wildfires are common to California, however the article states that because of the decreased amounts of precipitation during the winter (which is when California gets most of its precipitation) is causing a longer wildfire season and allowing the fires to become even more devastating. Lastly, the shorter winters are causing longer summers, encouraging the increase of pests that thrive on warm temperatures, destroying farmland and Forrests. The article describes this as "the perfect storm of bad events" that creates so many new issues for California. 
With this being said, it brings up the question of what the effects of global temperature rising will have on other parts of the world, like Canada? What is going to happen to a country that is so adapted to harsh winters and has thrived in the industrial world by taking advantage of winters in various ways?
I think that we should start taking serious measures to try to stabilize the temperature instead of constantly increasing it. The choices we make now will determine how much the planet's temperature will continue to rise. Higher temperatures mean that heat waves are likely to happen more often and last longer. Heat waves can be dangerous, causing illnesses such as heat cramps, heat stroke, and possibly even death. Increasing air temperature affects the oceans, weather patterns, snow and ice, and plants and animals. The warmer it gets, the more severe the impacts on people and the environment will be. Climate change is serious because once we lose ecosystems, animals, and even icecaps we will never be able to go back and fix it so we should try to fix it while we can. I believe that we may not be able to completely fix everything, but I do believe that we can start to change the way we do things. I think that we should start to utilize our resources better, like using less electricity, car pooling, using the bus, cutting down less trees. I believe that if everyone comes together to do little things then eventually it will all add up and make a difference to our Earth and to the climate. We should be thinking about the future because it will be too late if we leave it all until the last minute. I also think that this information could definitely be used as a sort of eye opener for those who still find it to be a fluke that our earth seems to be increasing in heat at a fairly consistent basis.
(12-19-2018, 12:07 PM)Vanessa Angotti Wrote: I think that we should start taking serious measures to try to stabilize the temperature instead of constantly increasing it. The choices we make now will determine how much the planet's temperature will continue to rise. Higher temperatures mean that heat waves are likely to happen more often and last longer. Heat waves can be dangerous, causing illnesses such as heat cramps, heat stroke, and possibly even death. Increasing air temperature affects the oceans, weather patterns, snow and ice, and plants and animals. The warmer it gets, the more severe the impacts on people and the environment will be. Climate change is serious because once we lose ecosystems, animals, and even icecaps we will never be able to go back and fix it so we should try to fix it while we can. I believe that we may not be able to completely fix everything, but I do believe that we can start to change the way we do things. I think that we should start to utilize our resources better, like using less electricity, car pooling, using the bus, cutting down less trees. I believe that if everyone comes together to do little things then eventually it will all add up and make a difference to our Earth and to the climate. We should be thinking about the future because it will be too late if we leave it all until the last minute. I also think that this information could definitely be used as a sort of eye opener for those who still find it to be a fluke that our earth seems to be increasing in heat at a fairly consistent basis.

I agree with what you're sayig completley. The rising temperature will cause many bad events and those will only intensify as the temperature rises. I also agree that small things being changed, including an increase in the awareness of the severity of our problems will add up and help our dying planet.
(12-19-2018, 12:07 PM)Vanessa Angotti Wrote: I think that we should start taking serious measures to try to stabilize the temperature instead of constantly increasing it. The choices we make now will determine how much the planet's temperature will continue to rise. Higher temperatures mean that heat waves are likely to happen more often and last longer. Heat waves can be dangerous, causing illnesses such as heat cramps, heat stroke, and possibly even death. Increasing air temperature affects the oceans, weather patterns, snow and ice, and plants and animals. The warmer it gets, the more severe the impacts on people and the environment will be. Climate change is serious because once we lose ecosystems, animals, and even icecaps we will never be able to go back and fix it so we should try to fix it while we can. I believe that we may not be able to completely fix everything, but I do believe that we can start to change the way we do things. I think that we should start to utilize our resources better, like using less electricity, car pooling, using the bus, cutting down less trees. I believe that if everyone comes together to do little things then eventually it will all add up and make a difference to our Earth and to the climate. We should be thinking about the future because it will be too late if we leave it all until the last minute. I also think that this information could definitely be used as a sort of eye opener for those who still find it to be a fluke that our earth seems to be increasing in heat at a fairly consistent basis.

I also agree with you as we should be trying to avoid getting the earth more warmer as once the polar gaps and ecosystems start to die out, we can't bring them back. We should be avoiding the overuse of greenhouse gases, pollution and electricity as all of these will result in global warming and begin to heat up the earth. We should start to take action now then later because we don't know when it will be too late to even try to stop the world from heating up.

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