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Palau is first country to ban 'reef toxic' sun cream
The Pacific nation of Palau has become the first to ban sun cream that is harmful to corals and sea life. Sunscreen that includes common ingredients is not allowed to be worn or sold in the country. A lagoon in Palau's Rock Islands is a Unesco World Heritage site. The country has a population of around 20,000 dotted across hundreds of islands. The International Coral Reef Foundation said the banned chemicals were "known environmental pollutants. The number of sun creams containing the harmful chemicals is declining. In 2018, experts said it was found in about half of creams and lotions. When the US state of Hawaii announced a similar ban - which comes into effect in 2021 - major brands were quick to say their products were "reef bill compliant".

This is good way to help save our sea life. Us humans are quite smart nowadays in making new things so we can easily make a sunscreen that would be safe for the sea and animals. Countries who have bodies of water near or around them should also think of doing this as it can help save many many animals and other living things. 

Any thoughts? Do you think this will help save the lives of aquatic animals?
I think this is an amazing idea and it is great to see countries stepping up to actually play their parts. With efforts like this, the destruction of the earth could be reduced and maybe hopefully halted someday...
It may appear insignificant, but on the global scale, bans on products that may harm the wildlife and environment can greatly contribute to the well being of our world. More countries should take initiative and company should strive to make decisions with the environment in mind.
(01-07-2020, 04:45 PM)Racheal Edoamen Wrote: I think this is an amazing idea and it is great to see countries stepping up to actually play their parts. With efforts like this, the destruction of the earth could be reduced and maybe hopefully halted someday...
This is the most exciting news tgese year and how they are sustaining more aquatic lives but my question is how is this sunscreen harmful to animals since it goes on human body

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