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New engine tech that could get us to Mars faster

we're ever to make regular journeys from Earth to Mars and other far-off destinations, we might need new kinds of engines. Engineers are exploring revolutionary new technologies that could help us traverse the Solar System in much less time.
Because of the orbital paths Mars and Earth take around the Sun, the distance between them varies between 54.6 million km and 401 million km.
Missions to Mars are launched when the two planets make a close approach. During one of these approaches, it takes nine months to get to Mars using chemical rockets - the form of propulsion in widespread use.
That's a long time for anyone to spend travelling. But engineers, including those at the US space agency (Nasa), are working with industrial partners to develop faster methods of getting us there.
So what are some of the most promising technologies?
Solar electric propulsion
Solar electric propulsion could be used to send cargo to Mars ahead of a human mission. That would ensure equipment and supplies were ready and waiting for astronauts when they arrived using chemical rockets, according to Dr Jeff Sheehy, chief engineer in Nasa's Space Technology Mission Directorate.
With solar electric propulsion, large solar arrays unfurl to capture solar energy, which is then converted to electricity. This powers something called a Hall thruster.
There are pros and cons. On the upside, you need far less fuel, so the spacecraft becomes lighter. But it also takes your vehicle longer to get there.
"In order to carry the payload we'd need to, it would probably take between two to 2.5 years to get us there," Dr Sheehy tells the BBC.

Although the current goal is to gain faster propulsion I wonder if we will be able to create large scale propulsion like a man made continent. 
It seems smart to preemptively send supplies to Mars so when people actually land on Mars, they already have a head start setting up the colony. It is inevitable that new and more efficient technology will be developed so that space travel will become even easier.
I want to see how efficient these engines to determine if they're better to use to cruse then solar sails, also this is huge and could be a big step for humanity, also can't wait to see how the ships are going to look like when we have the ability to cruse in space.
This seems like a good idea and I am sure that with technology this idea will be built upon. Hopefully, other aspects of the engine are paid attention to like how efficient and sustainable it is.
(12-30-2019, 10:47 AM)Justin Robertson Wrote: It seems smart to preemptively send supplies to Mars so when people actually land on Mars, they already have a head start setting up the colony. It is inevitable that new and more efficient technology will be developed so that space travel will become even easier.
Yeah am fascinated about this now we can go to Mars wheneve and return back fast. New information vacant even be gathered.

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