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Greenhouse gas concentrations again break records

This is not a surprise. Human population continues to grow all around the world, as so does the factories and equipment creating these emissions. According to this article there has been a 43% increase in our worlds global warming, as to the fault of carbon, fossil fuel emissions. Every greenhouse gas is increasing and gets trapped in our atmosphere creating a warmer climate in areas where it needs to be cooler for the sustainability of certain animals and ecosystems. In no way would it be healthy to pump more greenhouse gases into the air then we already have, so of course this would cause an effect on our world and ecosystems in it. Because of the decisions we make as a human population, animals in antarctica and the north pole are paying the price, as the ice begins and continues to melt soon there will be no where for the polar bears to live. Changes in the environment also means changes in the ecosystem. certain musicians and politicians have been taking a stand onto this phenomenon of global warming hoping to make a world wide change, I believe with more and more support we may be able to make the slightest difference as the whole human race as one, yet without everyone on board it may be a huge task, forever more impossible. This article brings up interestinging points and facts as to where we are heading towards the future and how we should stop it, as well as the rise of our emissions throughout the years.
It is clear to see that more records will be broken as the human population grows larger and larger and the more the concentration of these gases increases, the more our Ozone is being affected. All we can do is make little efforts towards trying to halt global warming and hope our efforts are enough.
We need to take more action in cutting greenhouse gasses. We slowly killing our Earth and if we don't take charge soon we will enter a point of no return where all we can do is extend the time it takes for the world to end.
I agree with you and that without the entire population, no change will ever occur. There is only so much a few people can do and in the grand scheme of things, its only a drop in the bucket.
I certainly agree with you 100%. places that need to be colder for animals and different creatures living there are instead getting a warmer climate which is causing some animals to be highly affected by it and causing some of the be become extinct. animals have been dying more and more as the years go by increasing a higher risk for their generation to be in so much danger because of extinction. The annual average concentration of carbon dioxide is in fact the most significant anthropogenic greenhouse gas that has been increasing a very high amount per parts per million for the wide period of only two years. if this continues there will be a higher risk for living things to be harmed their own living environment that they in fact call home, this would cause a major environmental change for them and the planet they feed off of and think is in fact protecting them. humans don’t understand how much this could impact their lifestyle and other creatures. I would not want to be explaining to my dog in a few years why he/ she can’t breathe probably because of toxic oxygen created in the environment. how would you even be able to do that so a little small animal or any animals in general? how could you live with urself knowing that it’s because of us that our animals have then passed away without understanding one bit of what happened to them?
(11-28-2019, 03:48 AM)Racheal Edoamen Wrote: It is clear to see that more records will be broken as the human population grows larger and larger and the more the concentration of these gases increases, the more our Ozone is being affected. All we can do is make little efforts towards trying to halt global warming and hope our efforts are enough.
I mean the way the human population is increasing I think change is far behind. For example in Canada, close to winter time we all use much heat at hime, in school, work, and even our cars. You can’t say we should stop cause we can’t survive without the heater, and theses are one of the reasons of increasing green house gases that are breaking the ozone layers.

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