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Coldplay to pause touring until concerts are 'environmentally beneficial'
Coldplay have put plans to tour their new album on hold, due to concerns over the environmental impact of concerts.

"We're not touring this album," frontman Chris Martin told BBC News.

"We're taking time over the next year or two, to work out how our tour can not only be sustainable [but] how can it be actively beneficial."

"All of us have to work out the best way of doing our job," he continued, saying the band wanted their future tours to "have a positive impact".

Coldplay's new album Everyday Life is released on Friday and, instead of spending months on the road, they are playing two gigs in Jordan, which will be broadcast, free, to a global audience on YouTube.

The concerts, will take place in Amman on Friday at sunrise and sunset respectively, mirroring the two "sides" of their new album.

The UK band last travelled the world with their A Head Full of Dreams Tour, which saw them stage 122 shows across five continents in 2016 and 2017.

It is really awesome to see artists taking up the initiative to do something and play their own part in trying to halt climate change. According to the article, "...the music industry's most recent figures suggest that live music generates 405,000 tonnes of greenhouse-gas emissions in the UK every year." This is almost heartbreaking to see how much almost everything we do just hurts the earth more. This decision by Coldplay will most certainly lead to them giving up a huge pay-day, but it is great to see them still making an effort.
I believe this is a right way to come at and help the environment. We need more efforts like this in the world on to making more sustainable choices regarding the environment and what we should do as the human race to fix such problems. As Coldplay had made a decision like this, it will effect other people, this may open peoples eyes onto displaying more care for the world. I fully support the decisions made to put the concert on hold until they find more beneficial sustainable choices regarding concerts. Hopefully other artists and bands continue and follow Coldplay's lead.
Coldplays decision was a immense step in the right direction and hopefully will inspire others around the world to become economically friendly. I do wonder if there will be any new technology in the near future that will mitigate the effects of greenhouse gases and help to make our world healthy again.
It is crazy to think about how live music generates so much greenhouse-gas emissions. This is an amazing step in the right direction of restoring the environment. The two gigs that they will perform will generate much less harmful greenhouse-gases, and will still make their fans happy. Coldplay making decisions like this could potentially inspire other artists and bands to think about how their performances are affecting the environment, and what they can do to make a difference.

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