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Cultured Lab Meat
It's quite incredible to see people already using stem cells in a feasible way, it seems like only a couple of years ago when there was so much money being spent on stem cell research. Although I would've imagined a different way of these cells being harnessed, it's invigorating to see an age-old problem being solved in this unconventional way. However, this "solution" might bring up some problems that in turn, will result in the complete rejection of this concept from the market. One example is that the same people who complain about genetically modified foods will shift their attention onto lab grown meat and say it's completely unorthodox and disgusting. Another is economical and a long term investment in lab grown meat will definitely repel businesses and the health benefits may score more points for natural meat. It is true that contagious diseases in farms will be avoided in a lab environment, but lab grown meat could lack essential nutrients and vitamins that we get from conventional meat. Overall, I don't believe that we will be seeing in vitro meat production as a consumer product anytime soon, the world's first lab grown burger cost about $400,000 to produce and I personally would not be willing to pay money that I don't have for lunch.

Messages In This Thread
Cultured Lab Meat - by AndrewAltobelli - 03-01-2019, 01:10 PM
RE: Cultured Lab Meat - by George Spornic - 03-01-2019, 01:50 PM

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