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Life Below the Surface
I agree with you that we should be investigating what is right under our feet as we might find very useful materials or organisms that have been underneath us for many years. People should be putting our minds on earth as we have barely even discovered what else earth has to offer. We know everything about what is above the earth's surface but what about below? Not a lot of people can tell us what is beneath us as we haven't put in any effort to even try to investigate what is beneath us. The fact that an microscopic organism ,that is underground, has more carbon then the sum of all carbon that is in a person is astonishing but just imagine if we investigated further underground and what we may find more then just this organism.

Messages In This Thread
Life Below the Surface - by Tamara Taylor - 12-20-2018, 04:06 PM
RE: Life Below the Surface - by Matthew Ahmadi - 12-22-2018, 04:59 PM

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