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Rise in CO2 Emissions for the first time in four years
In the article it talks about the rise of CO2 in 2017 by 1.2%, even though it is a small percentage CO2 is still rising which in the long run will affect society. According to the UN by 2030 CO2 emissions would have to decrease by 55% of today's emissions to keep the 1.5C goal. Scientists say that nations must raise their efforts five fold just to stay on track for that 1.5C goal, at this rate the temperature rise is heading towards 3.2C by the end of this century.

I believe that as a society we have to realize that as our current rate the Earth's magnetic field which protects us from the sun's UV rays will not last very much longer. I think that we should start putting our efforts into preserving what we have left in order to survive safely as long as possible. Most people do not think that what they are doing will affect the earth's  atmosphere but if all humans are thinking like that then we will end up affecting the atmosphere trimaticaly.

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Rise in CO2 Emissions for the first time in four years - by Mathew Amorim - 11-29-2018, 11:47 AM

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