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Warm Winter in Europe
I believe that this is a very important topic. I think everyone should start taking serious measures to try to stabilize the temperature instead of constantly increasing it. The choices we make now will determine how much the planet's temperature will rise. Higher temperatures mean that heat waves are likely to happen more often and last longer. Heat waves can be dangerous, causing illnesses such as heat cramps, heat stroke, and possibly even death. Increasing air temperature affects the oceans, weather patterns, snow and ice, and plants and animals. The warmer it gets, the more severe the impacts on people and the environment will be. I think that we should start utilize our resources better, like using less electricity, car pooling, using the bus, cutting down less trees, and start regrowing more forests. I believe that if everyone comes together to do little things then eventually it will all add up and make a difference to our Earth and to the climate (temperature). We should be thinking about the future because it will be too late if we continue to let the temperature rise and not do anything about it.

Messages In This Thread
Warm Winter in Europe - by Jag Martinez - 03-08-2020, 12:29 PM
RE: Warm Winter in Europe - by Vanessa Angotti - 03-15-2020, 05:44 AM

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