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World faces 80% calorie increase by end of the century.
I do believe that obesity is becoming a huge problem especially in our society and it has so many cons to it in many different ways. Obesity is a serious concern because it is associated with the fact of having a poorer mental health outcomes, reduced quality of life, and the leading causes of death worldwide, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer. many individuals nowadays also believe that they should then behind starving themselves to lose weight fast, and that is one of the worst ways possible that you could do that. I in fact just heard yesterday when walking around school these two girls talking about starting this “diet” that is in fact not a diet whatsoever because it includes only eating 400-500 calories a day. that is so dangerous and the worst way possible that a person could lose weight and is so dangerous to ur actually health being because ya you might lose a couple pounds and you feel so great but you would probably then start getting exhausted everyday because it’s so unhealthy for your body. when you then decide to start eating regular amounts of food again you then just gain all that weight back or even more weight then before because ur body doesn’t want to go through all that pain again so it packs it away in case you start starving urself again. I believe that if people want to lose weight than that should be their decision and yes people are allowed to have opinions on it but I do not believe in making people feel like they are required to lose weight to feel pretty and this is such a huge problem in today’s society especially when it comes to girls putting each other’s down because one has a better body than someone else. if you are happy the way you look then keep it that way and if you want to lose weight because of obesity problems then you should in fact do it properly and in a safe and healthy way.

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RE: World faces 80% calorie increase by end of the century. - by emmafacchinetti - 01-08-2020, 09:46 AM

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