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Brazil’s Amazon Deforestation Highest since 2008
This is something very sad to hear, and quite frightening as the numbers of deforestation are just increasing. I agree, the loss of trees and forests can negatively impact not only us humans, but the wildlife living in these forests whose habitats are being destroyed. In the article, it states that this accelerated rate has be caused by president Jair Bolsonaro being elected into office. This leads me to believe that some politicians just do not care for the environment, and do not believe in climate change. I have heard many politicians explain how climate change is a hoax and cannot be real. This is sad as these same politicians have to power to stop these terrible things from happening, yet are usually only making situations worse.

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RE: Brazil’s Amazon Deforestation Highest since 2008 - by Alessandra Figliuzzi - 11-21-2019, 12:18 PM

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