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Leaf blowers fatal to declining insects, Germans warned
FOR the love of God People, don't harm the insects not the INSECTS.

The German government has warned against the use of leaf blowers over concerns for insects and the environment.
Germany's Ministry for the Environment said leaf blowers were too loud, polluted the air and posed a fatal threat to insects.
The ministry issued the guidance in response to a request by a Green MP.
Leaf blowers should not be used unless they are "indispensable", the ministry said.
However, the ministry said it was not planning to ban the devices.
The guidance comes after studies suggested insect numbers were plummeting in Germany and across the world, prompting calls for better protection.

For ctyign out loud we cant harm the bloody insect. Save the insects ples.

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Leaf blowers fatal to declining insects, Germans warned - by Idris_A - 11-16-2019, 05:03 AM

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