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Hundreds of temperature records broken over summer
This happened all over the world, in 29 countries, proving this is a global dilemma we should all take into discussion and thought as we make simple actions each day. This summer, each day that passed, a new temperature record had been broken. This then proves global warming and climate change. As more people are added to the world and we continue to populate and grow, our world will continue to face warmer temperatures than these. Any ideas on how we as the population of the world can all come together to decrease climate change and emissions for the better of the future? In my opinion I think we are too far deep to make any real changes.
I definitely agree with you. The public have not cared about the climate for numerous years and now we are finally dealing with the consequences of our actions. Some ways we might be able to halter the effects of climate change include reducing energy use (especially in large industrial buildings), promote and upgrade to green energy, eat less red meats, produce less waste and a slew of other actions. It is time to take initiative and create a world suitable for future generations to come.
(10-15-2019, 07:26 AM)LydiaKlok Wrote: This happened all over the world, in 29 countries, proving this is a global dilemma we should all take into discussion and thought as we make simple actions each day. This summer, each day that passed, a new temperature record had been broken. This then proves global warming and climate change. As more people are added to the world and we continue to populate and grow, our world will continue to face warmer temperatures than these. Any ideas on how we as the population of the world can all come together to decrease climate change and emissions for the better of the future? In my opinion I think we are too far deep to make any real changes.
I agree with you as well, I think that it is far too late for us to do anything now. We have caused too much damage to our planet to be able to fix it before it gets far more worse. Even if we do try to fix our planet, we won’t be able to make too much of a difference because it is quite late.
Sometimes it's so hard to figure out what a single person can do to combat climate change. It seems so hopeless at times, but I believe making little changes in little ways will lead to an improvement. For now, humans should focus on leaving the earth in its natural state and stop destroying the habitats of organisms.
(10-15-2019, 07:26 AM)LydiaKlok Wrote: This happened all over the world, in 29 countries, proving this is a global dilemma we should all take into discussion and thought as we make simple actions each day. This summer, each day that passed, a new temperature record had been broken. This then proves global warming and climate change. As more people are added to the world and we continue to populate and grow, our world will continue to face warmer temperatures than these. Any ideas on how we as the population of the world can all come together to decrease climate change and emissions for the better of the future? In my opinion I think we are too far deep to make any real changes.
Tbh your right were way too deep to make changes cause I believe the world is too damaged to be repaired. Cause the more we populate the more resources that are used= the more damage made to earth. Cause this new temperature record broken is mostly caused by human activities. I think because of the extreme fossil fuels and harmful gas that are being burned off are causing the Ozone layer to break off, which will them result to climate change, hotter/colder temperatures, and also change in we human adaptation and systems to live.
President D. Trump has decided to leave the Paris Climate agreement. Imagine risking the lives of million simply because of your personal belief. it like tell someone that their childs future is in danger and all you have to do is dedicate yourself to a solution, and although unsure you still choose not to.
Wow that’s so selfish of him risking millions of life, just for your belief wow.

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