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Rosalind Franklin Mars Rover

When discussing the double helix structure of DNA, the discovery is largely credited to scientists Watson and Crick. However, some may argue that the discovery was made possible by Rosalind Franklin as her X-ray images provided essential information to Watson and Crick. After an early death of ovarian cancer, Franklin has not received the recognition that she very much deserved. This may be changing though, as a new Mars rover being sent to Mars in 2020 will be named after her. This name associated with a biologically fundamental molecule is appropriate as the rover will be searching for life or evidence of life on Mars. After doing research on Rosalind for a project and learning how much work she put in to studying DNA, I am happy that she in finally being honoured for her discoveries. Having a piece of equipment that will soon be roaming thr surface of Mars be named after you would be incredibly exciting, and I believe it is a great way to honour Rosalind Franklin.
I agree with you in that this is a positive thing, Rosalind getting credit for her discoveries and work. I think this article highlights just how much times have changed, science was definitley more of a mans world up until recently where society has started to become more equal in regards of women in the same field as men.
I completely agree with you and am also happy that Rosalind Franklin is able to get the recognition she deserves. Watson and Crick's discovery could have not happened without the X-ray imaging provided by Franklin, however, she got little credit due to her unfortunate death, as well as her being a woman. It is nice to see the new rover being named after her, as tribute to her accomplishments and discoveries in the science field. I also find it exciting to see plans of another rover being sent to space, after the recent death of NASA's Opportunity rover. Opportunity was able to turn three months of discovery and learning into fifteen years. I am eager to see the journey that awaits the Franklin rover, and what it may be able to discover. Overall, I also believe that having a rover on Mars, searching for any evidence of life, is a great way to honour and pay respects to Rosalind Franklin.

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